In her first novel, journalist and awardwinning playwright Lee Cataluna follows the adventures of a small town miscreant through his alternately hilarious and tragic life. Three Years on Doreen’s Sofa is the story of Bobby, a bumbling, affable ne’er-do-well, and his wildly misguided attempts to go straight after serving three years in jail for a stupid drug-related offense. His sister Doreen lets him stay on her sofa until he gets his life back together. Heartwarming and heartrending at the same time, this book, says the Honolulu Weekly, “may open up a whole new era for Hawai‘i literature.”
“Satirical, raunchy, fantastic, absurd, and always hilarious, Lee takes local humor beyond the cutting edge and into a whole new realm.”
Victoria Nalani Kneubuhl, author of Murder Casts a Shadow:
“A remarkable debut novel—no, make that an instant classic—from one of Hawai‘i’s exciting and original voices.” R. Zamora Linmark, author of Leche and Drive By Vigils
". . . a bust-your-face, laugh-out-loud joy ride. So good. No lie. For real.” Ed Sakamoto, playwright of Stew Rice and Aloha Las Vegas